Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I had an utterly delightful Mother's Day. First I was greeted with a vase full of hand-picked flowers out of our backyard. (Ok, the flowers were pretty much shoved up my nose at 8:00 a.m. when Liesl arrived to wake me up and excitedly tell me how she had helped Daddy pick them. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, look what I picked for you!!!!" There is something to be said about being woken gently. A sprig of lilac up your left nostril does not qualify as "gently.") But surprise factor aside, the awakening was very pleasant. And the flowers yielded a bonus gift: a teeny-tiny inchworm in one of the blossoms. Seriously, the thing was less than half a centimeter long. Liesl was fascinated, as were Tom and I.

Given my new-found love of tea, Tom gave me a wonderful cordless electric tea kettle, and I already love it way more than sticking a mug of water in the microwave. It heats the water up FAST.

The rest of the day wound around pretty much doing nothing...which is something we don't get enough of. I really enjoyed puttering around, playing house, while Tom watched the kids and put them down for their naps. In the evening, we had a nice steak dinner, which was, thank the stars, accompanied by minimal screaming. A refreshing change.

I also pulled my vermicomposting bin out onto the patio to get a closer look at what was going on inside. The spot it sits in does not have the best light, so this was the first time we got a good look at what our worms are up to in natural light. Besides loads and loads of very potent castings, they have also been producing more worms. We must be doing something right, because worms will only breed in their ideal conditions. The baby worms are adorable. And my two little girls--oblivious of the common gender stereotype of not liking cold, slimy, dirty things--eagerly clambered around the bin to get a closer look, as well as providing a steady stream of verbal (Liesl) and manual (Ava) commentary.

All in all, it was a very pleasant Mother's Day. I'm very blessed to have my two beautiful, healthy, spirited children, as well as a Daddy who loves me as much as he loves them. Thank you, Tommy, for making this a nice day for me. :-)

What could be more fun than a big tub of worms?

The stow-away in my Mother's Day bouquet. Come to think of many moms would be so thrilled to have a worm-themed Mother's Day?


Jackie said...
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Jackie said...

I have that same kettle. I've had it for a few years now and it hasn't let me down. I love it.