For Liesl's birth, I didn't really pay attention to the all-important going-home outfit, and packed a simple green sleeper. So when Liesl arrived quite a bit early, 3 days before Christmas, Tom made an offhand comment that she needed a Santa hat to go home in. Never say these things within my mother's hearing. She was out and about in every store you can think of to buy baby clothing, TWO DAYS before Christmas, searching for a "Baby's first Christmas" outfit and a Santa hat. I am forever grateful that she took the time and energy to do that; especially since she had been up from 6:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. the night before, attending Liesl's birth. Liesl's newborn portrait is very much treasured, as is the story behind the outfit.
Not to be outdone by news of Squidgie, here is a cute picture of Liesl in the bath. She LOVES water --be it a bath, a swim in Torch Lake, sticking her head in a wheelbarrow full of dirty rainwater...you name it. The child should have been born with gills.
Soooo cool! Your so close!!! I just update my blog with my appt info.
Can't wait to hear you've had the baby!
Rebecca, I am so excited for you!! YAY!!!!!
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