Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful...

Just LOOK at what happened at our house this evening! We pulled out all of our cold weather outdoor gear and suited up. Others may complain about the snow, but I don't really have to drive in it, so I love it. (Although dealing with THREE sets of hats, boots, mittens and coats will be quite a challenge during weekday snow jaunts while Daddy is at work....)

My Funny Bunny is now a Snow Bunny!

Daddy taught her how to make snowballs (Thanks a LOT, Daddy....)

Fun in the snow

First snowperson of the season (ok, snowman, we really aren't that politically correct)

Towards the end of our outdoor romp, the snow started coming down hard and fast. It was so lovely. Unfortunately it wrecks havoc with the flash on my inexpensive little point-and-shoot camera.


Shirla said...

Y'all are SO lucky to have snow already! Saturday I had my windows open all day.

Shirla said...

Rebecca, my husband, son's and my daughter all saw snow flurries here in VA today! I have not seen the first flake! My daughter Tina saw then a half a mile from my house! NOT FAIR!

Also...(blame it on Julieann, she started it lol)Please come to my blog and pick up your award. :) Please feel free to disregard if you do not want to play.