Monday, July 30, 2007

Garden girl

Tom and I spent some time in the garden yesterday, picking (numerous) zucchini and pulling a few weeds. Liesl loves to "help" us with chores in the garden, such as weeding, harvesting, and watering. Differentiating between "weeding" and "harvesting" is going to take some time. "Watering" the garden usually means sticking little hands into flower pots and gardens after they're soaked, and then wiping the hands on whatever surface happens to be nearby--her dress, her diaper, the cat, her parents, the car....

This is just a disaster waiting to happen.....

You can see the evil plan forming in her mind....


Helping weed the garden (running back and forth between Mom and a bucket of weeds)


This is what happens when you're 19 months old and you dress yourself. Both legs are in one side of the bloomers; the pajama top just doesn't match the rest of the ensemble.

Someone call the cast of "What Not to Wear."


Brilliant said...

how cute she she is! God bless her :)

Mrs Swan said...

She's adorable! I was stalking you (umm lurking yeah thats it... LOL Nah I was lurking on the midwifery board and saw you were still alive. Yeah!! :) Followed your links and here I am. Goodness she is getting sooo big! Is that pink bathing suit fromt Target BTW? I was one that looks so similar on clearance and i almost bought it for a cousin just because I loved it so much. (on clearance too LOL)