Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Business of Being Born!

The movie The Business of Being Born was inspired by a mom who had a very disappointing experience with her first baby that led her to question the rational behind America's birthing practices. The film is creating quite a sensation in the birthing and parenting circles.

Today I received a call from my DONA-certified doula, Kristen, who happens to be the president of our local chapter of Birth Network National. The movie is being shown in my town next week, and afterwards there will be a discussion panel featuring one of the midwives from the practice we go to that delivers in the birthing center (as well as the Labor and Delivery ward of the hospital), a PhD level psychologist, a midwife in the area that only attends homebirths, an OB/GYN, and a few other people.

Kristen asked me to sit on the discussion panel and represent the consumers. I am so psyched! She said she wants me there because I had a "traditional" hospital birth with a lot of intervention for my first baby. The complications during and after the birth and bad information I received in the hospital resulted in a very difficult breastfeeding experience, where Liesl and I struggled (with tons of support from Tom) for several months. These bad experiences and a host of bad information I received about breastfeeding lead me to pursue natural childbirth for our 2nd baby. This is why I'm being asked to sit on this panel. I can't wait, I am so honored that Kristen chose me! I will of course post about it here and I hope to get some pictures as well.

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